Kent Andersen
Specialist in Computer-Assisted Language Learning and in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Teaching staff member at SDE vocational college in Odense, Denmark.
4 weeks
The course will enable participants to become acquainted with Clilstore, the major outcome of the EU-funded Tools for CLIL Teachers project, which includes Multidict -a multilingual dictionary interface- and Wordlink -the underlying tool that automatically links every word on a webpage to a myriad of free online dictionaries. Participants will learn to develop language teaching webpages with video and text where all of the words are linked to online dictionaries. These webpages immediately become ready-to-use online resources for language learners.
The course is divided into 7 units covering an introduction to CLIL (Content and Language Inetgrated Learning); detailed guidelines to using Clilstore, Multidict and Wordlink; a selection of case studies covering most educational sectors and foreign language levels; guidelines to planning CLIL lessons, and advice on useful CLIL resources.
High command of English.
Specialist in Computer-Assisted Language Learning and in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Teaching staff member at SDE vocational college in Odense, Denmark.
Specialist in Computer-Assisted Language Learning and in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Associate Professor in English, Department of Applied Linguistics. Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain.
No, all the necessary course materials are available online.
Yes, you'll be requested to prepare a didactic unit using Clilstore.