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1 week

Acerca de este curso

This course allows in an easy, descriptive way to iniciate your knowlegde on EVOLVED-5G NetApps and how 5G can be exploited to provide benefits in any area, including in our daily lifes. 5G is an immesely disruptive technology that is progressively deeply transforming our world. We have merely grasp the benefits that 5G will directly or indirectly provide.

Que aprenderé

Along the course you will learn: · The advantages and immense potential that through the use of 5G for the creation of useful applications and use cases in our daily life. · What is 5G programmability and which are the huge advantages of its exploitation? · What is a 5G NetApp, a special type of 5G Application? · What are NetApps highly innovative approach and benefits? · Use of NetApps · What is the vision for 5G NetApps from the European EVOLVED-5G Innovation Project and the 3GPP? · The different types of NetApps


This online course has no special prerequisites. However, some technology background may be desirable.


  1. Evolved-5G
  2. Final Exam

Programación temporal

This MOOC is structured in a module and has a duration of one week.


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